Creative Income Cure

005: Why You're Not Successful with Sabrina Gebhardt

Val Marlene Creative

With everyone sharing their life and business success online and coach after coach teaching you how to be successful, it's easy to get trapped chasing a definition of success that doesn't fit your life. You'll never be happy if you're chasing someone else's version of success and I believe you're setting yourself up for disappointment and burnout if you've never sat down to get really intentional about your definition. We need to build our own definition of success based on our own real life, which is exactly what Sabrina Gebhardt and I talk about in today's episode! Listen in as Sabrina shares how she has built her business with intention based on her own version of success.

See full show notes at

This episode is brought to you by my Define Your Success worksheet.
If you're ready to finally stop chasing someone else's version of success + want to live the life and business that was meant for you, you need this worksheet!

Mentioned in this Episode:
Profit First
Define Your Success Worksheet

Connect with Sabrina

Connect with Val

Instagram: @val_marlene_creative